Science Fiction and Fantasy Clichés

A cliché is an idea that is overused. Science fiction and fantasy stories, books, movies, and television shows (especially science fiction ones) are often full of clichés. Clichés aren't always bad; overused plot devices may often be easier for the reader or viewer to understand, and a variation on a common plot may not be a bad thing if it provides something new to the reader or viewer. However, one of the problems with clichés are that they are often the easy way out; instead of telling a real story about realistic difficulties that the protagonists would have to face, clichés are often used to bypass these difficulties. Too many of these and the resulting story is less real, seems more contrived, and doesn't resonate with readers or viewers. Here is a list of around 200 common clichés, arranged by category.

Skip to: Bad Science | Technical Problems | Movies and Television | Overused Plots | Lack of Imagination | Characters and Characterizations | Similar Settings | Nothing New Under the Suns: Events | Weird Warfare | Political Incorrectness

Bad Science

Technical Problems

Movies and Television

Overused Plots

Lack of Imagination

Characters and Characterizations

Similar Settings

Nothing New Under the Suns: Events

Weird Warfare

Political Incorrectness

Sources and Credits

The majority of these clichés are a result of my experience reading, listening to, and viewing science fiction and fantasy, although I have been inspired by the following sources: